Thursday, October 8, 2015

What I brush my teeth with

So I haven't posted anything in about a million years because I haven't had time and haven't been super passionate about anything. Now every morning when I brush my teeth I just feel like I need to tell someone about my awesome discovery!  After searching the Internet for info on remineralizing my teeth I was inspired. From what I read your teeth are porous, living things that are affected by what you eat and how you treat them. They absorb the nutrients you ingest from the moment you put food in your mouth. One thing that hinders this process is the toothpaste that we all buy containing glycerin. Glycerine acts like shrink wrap for your teeth, thereby blocking the nutrients and essentially starving your teeth. This leads to weakness and succeptibility to cavities. The rumor is you can make cavities disappear by changing your approach to oral hygiene!  This news was so exciting to me because I have always been told that I inherited "soft teeth," and over the years have noticed that my smile has dimmed in general.  
My first step in remineralizing my teeth was to make sure I'm getting adequate nutrition.  Now, I'm a mom of a needy 14month old boy and many times I find myself not eating because it's inconvenient for me to eat while feeding him, and when he's done he's on to the next thing like bolting out the doggy door or unraveling the toilet paper or throwing his $70 pair of shoes in the garbage cans so eating tends to slip my mind.  Anyway. Nutrition. I take a multiple vitamin and five  fermented cod liver oil pills every morning. I drink a shot of wheat grass (powdered for convenience) and most recently, a shot of food grade diatomaceous earth in water. I imagine I could combine those two and kill two birds, but I'm a glutton for punishment and I inbibe extra water by doing these separately.  
So to recap:
Fermented cod liver oil
Food grade Diatomaceous earth

Next I brush my teeth with my homemade toothpaste that I love very much! It's a base of coconut oil, baking soda, a little sea salt, and essential oils. Now I use lemon, orange and YL Theives because it tastes like a gingerbread latte to me, but the eo you use are pretty optional. I'd say to keep the lemon in there though for its whitening properties. I mix those up into a loose paste and keep it in a ramekin where my husband keeps his traditional toothpaste in our bathroom and I must say, I really look forward to brushing my teeth everyday now!  The clean feels so much deeper! I used to have to brush midway through my day but now my teeth feel so clean that I've been laying in bed typing this out, contemplating when the last time I brushed my teeth was and... It was yesterday morning! And they still feel clean like, oh shit, someone just rang my doorbell and I haven't brushed my teeth yet, oh wait, I'm fine clean!

So that toothpaste recipe:
Equal parts coconut oil and baking soda
A pinch of sea salt
Orange oil
Lemon oil
Thieves oil 

It's amazing!!!
Then if I'm extra motivated dor the day I'll do an oil pulling season with a mouth full of coconut oil. My goal is 20 minutes but sometimes someone waits to ask me a million questions until I put the oil in my mouth, so frequently I spit it out in the trashcan half way and answer all his questions, ask if that's all, and then commence on another ten minute oil pulling session.  I really would like to do this more often, but like eating, sometimes other people's agendas get in the way!
Last but not least, and this topic deserves a post of its own...(coming soon!)
I switched from my multi cup of coffee a day habit to cutting it out completely and trading it in for matcha green tea!!! Some dentists have referred to matcha as "liquid floss!" Seriously, it's amazing! No more brown coffee stains on my teeth or coffee breath!  I've lost 15 lbs and my smile is brighter, not to mention the no jittery, calm energy I have all day because of matcha! I'm in love!!!!

So take your vitamins, make your toothpaste, pull some coconut oil and switch to matcha if you want to feel as elated about your oral hygiene as I feel! 

Which essential oil company is best?!

I'm a fan of Barefūt oils. 
I became a rep for Young Living to get the diffuser and deal on oils. I love Thieves but can't bring myself to pay the huge price tag for the bottle at its wholesale price!  
I joined DōTerra as well, got another diffuser and much more oil that YL starter package, which I really liked, even though the equivalent starter package was double the price of YL.  I also love DōTerra OnGuard, but again don't see myself paying the high price tag! 
When I found Barefūt I was enticed by the free oil for sure! After all, depending on its application a lesser oil is fine for many things so I figured that if I was disappointed in the quality I could just use it to scent my bathroom and car or flavor my homemade soaps. As it turns out Barefūt is not only more affordable but also equivalent in quality to the other MLM companies. There's no large startup cost nor monthly minimum or yearly fee for the privilege of paying "wholesale" prices.  Barefūt offers deals on their oils to the general public, points for buying oils that you can later apply to future orders for a further discount and on top of all that if you do choose to become an affiliate, which I did, it's free and you don't have to peddle oils to all your friends because you get 25% of your OWN purchases refunded to you within a couple months! It's a great deal, I don't feel swindled and I have an amazing collection of really great oils now!
Side by side they all smell different. DōTerra's Peppermint and YL's Peppermint and Barefūt's Peppermint each smell unique, but in application I've found they all offer the same benefits.  I healed a severe cut on my hand that probably should've been stitched up! I used Barefūt Frankincense, Helichrysum and Lavender. (Barefūt Helichrysum actually is a lesser plant than the one offered by YL and DōTerra but this is the only oil I've found this to be true for, the scientific name for the plant is right on the front of the label and it still has amazing healing properties.)
I've been to several oil seminars by MLM reps for both DōTerra and YL, and while well intentioned, the reps give out a lot of misinformation regarding the use of oils in general. Some of it even dangerous! I use oils internally everyday. Whether this is good or bad for me I don't know, but it's my choice. I use lemon or orange or grapefruit or peppermint in my cold or hot water, I made some yummy lemony rice crispy treats and some refreshing peppermint brownies, I made some crowd pleasing turkey meatballs with oregano, basil, fennel and thyme. I've added lime to my guacamole and lemon to my salmon.  That said, I wouldn't hold a seminar and recommend this to my friends as I don't feel confident in my research. (I'm just a little more experimental with my own body.) I'm currently seriously contemplating taking an aromatherapy course because oils have become a passion of mine that I'd like to eventually (knowledgeably) share with other people. But I'm definitely not comfortable at this point holding seminars for people! I'd be embarrassed! And I love public speaking!
I'm mad at DōTerra and YL for sending people out there to misinform the masses. I'm mad at them for their made up "certified" quality standards. I'm mad at them for their competitive and snarky banter! So what if some disgruntled employees left YL and opened DōTerra using their previous company as a template for success, tweaking things as they see fit.
The one company that I believe in that hasn't been mentioned is Mountain Rose Herbs.  In the research I've done I've found them to be a reputable, well trusted company that is not an MLM and stays out of the drama, instead focusing on selling quality products. They seem to be well trusted by actual licensed aromatherapists instead of just housewives looking for some extra spending money or free oils. At this point in time though, I'm perfectly happy with the products from Barefūt as well as their price point and selection so I don't see a need to purchase from Mountain Rose Herbs yet. 

Monday, November 24, 2014

Baked Chicken Thighs, baked potato and perfect Broccoli

Quick and Easy Crowd Pleasing Meal

Having a four month old leaves this mom short on time and creativity in the kitchen.   This is a dinner that I can whip up in about an hour with very little hands on prep needed.  It's as cheap as could be and pretty healthy too!
You'll need:
A sheet pan (optional wire rack)
Chicken thighs, bone in, skin on
Garlic salt
Olive oil
Bamboo skewer
Your favorite potatoes 
Medium sized saucepan
Sour cream
Black pepper

Heat oven to 350

Lay chicken thighs out on sheet pan (on top of wire rack if you have one)

Sprinkle generously with garlic salt.

Poke holes all over potatoes with bamboo skewer. The holes don't need to be really deep.

Lather potatoes with olive oil and sprinkle with garlic salt.

Place potatoes on top rack in oven.

Place chicken pan on the rack below. 

Set timer for one hour.

Check the skin of the chicken. If it's crispy and hard when you tap on it then chicken is done. Remove from oven and set aside.

With your oven mitt, squeeze a potato. If it yields easily then it's done. Remove them and set aside. 

Boil saucepan of water with a big pinch of salt.  I use sea salt, but you can use whatever you have on hand.

Take broccoli crown and pull apart or cut into smaller floweretts. I break them off from the base and then slice the base into bite sized pieces.

When water comes to rolling boil, toss the broccoli in. 
Set timer for four minutes. 

Test broccoli for doneness by stabbing with a fork.  If the fork goes through easily, it's done. 

Strain broccoli and plate your dinner.
Everything should bea perfect temperature at this point and the chicken well rested. 

Top the potato with butter, sour cream, salt and pepper and enjoy your meal!

Leftover chicken is great as is, cold or warm. You can also make a chicken salad out of it or chop it up and add it to any dish you like!
Leftover baked potatoes are great for breakfast on a cold morning!

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

I'm gonna be a mommy!

July 23rd is my due date! I've been commenting on baby boards for the last couple weeks, I found out that I adore giving advice and support. There's some judge mental meanies out there though, so I decided to channel my helpful energies into my blog.
When my friends and family found out we are having a baby they showered my with hand me downs so my office is piled high with things for someone I've never even met. It's quite a weird sensation. So I think I'll wait until I'm done with my finals this semester, then I'll delve into thaw nesting stage and highlight my journey for all to see and enjoy!

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Homemade beefy oatmeal puppy bites

Fresh beef stock
Whole wheat flour
One egg

Equal parts oatmeal and flour, pour in beef stock and whisk to combine. Achieve a sticky cookie dough consistency. Whisk in the egg.
Use two spoons to drop walnut sized balls of batter onto greased cookie sheet. Bake at 350 for 11 minutes. Let cool. Treat your pups to these healthy little snacks. They'll love you forever!

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

I fixed my own dryer!!!

Yesterday I watched a couple YouTube videos and grabbed some random tools. I headed out to my clothes dryer armed with minimal knowledge, inadequate tools and the gumption to disassemble this big machine that won't get hot enough to dry even the smallest load!  Although I had a few frustrations, a few hiccups and a few yelps from dropping things on my bare feet, I successfully accessed the inner workings of my fifteen year old machine and vaccines it out. I pulled a dense six pounds of lint, sand and dirt from the inner vent. Luckily by the time I needed to put it back together, my big strong Mike woke up and helped me piece the puzzle back together... Our reward? Our first successfully hot, dry load of clean laundry in close to a year!!! Cheers to energy, gumption and YouTube! We've been wanting to splurge on a new dryer but it has been far from in our budget. Now we can use that money for something for the baby! Yay!