Thursday, October 8, 2015

Which essential oil company is best?!

I'm a fan of Barefūt oils. 
I became a rep for Young Living to get the diffuser and deal on oils. I love Thieves but can't bring myself to pay the huge price tag for the bottle at its wholesale price!  
I joined DōTerra as well, got another diffuser and much more oil that YL starter package, which I really liked, even though the equivalent starter package was double the price of YL.  I also love DōTerra OnGuard, but again don't see myself paying the high price tag! 
When I found Barefūt I was enticed by the free oil for sure! After all, depending on its application a lesser oil is fine for many things so I figured that if I was disappointed in the quality I could just use it to scent my bathroom and car or flavor my homemade soaps. As it turns out Barefūt is not only more affordable but also equivalent in quality to the other MLM companies. There's no large startup cost nor monthly minimum or yearly fee for the privilege of paying "wholesale" prices.  Barefūt offers deals on their oils to the general public, points for buying oils that you can later apply to future orders for a further discount and on top of all that if you do choose to become an affiliate, which I did, it's free and you don't have to peddle oils to all your friends because you get 25% of your OWN purchases refunded to you within a couple months! It's a great deal, I don't feel swindled and I have an amazing collection of really great oils now!
Side by side they all smell different. DōTerra's Peppermint and YL's Peppermint and Barefūt's Peppermint each smell unique, but in application I've found they all offer the same benefits.  I healed a severe cut on my hand that probably should've been stitched up! I used Barefūt Frankincense, Helichrysum and Lavender. (Barefūt Helichrysum actually is a lesser plant than the one offered by YL and DōTerra but this is the only oil I've found this to be true for, the scientific name for the plant is right on the front of the label and it still has amazing healing properties.)
I've been to several oil seminars by MLM reps for both DōTerra and YL, and while well intentioned, the reps give out a lot of misinformation regarding the use of oils in general. Some of it even dangerous! I use oils internally everyday. Whether this is good or bad for me I don't know, but it's my choice. I use lemon or orange or grapefruit or peppermint in my cold or hot water, I made some yummy lemony rice crispy treats and some refreshing peppermint brownies, I made some crowd pleasing turkey meatballs with oregano, basil, fennel and thyme. I've added lime to my guacamole and lemon to my salmon.  That said, I wouldn't hold a seminar and recommend this to my friends as I don't feel confident in my research. (I'm just a little more experimental with my own body.) I'm currently seriously contemplating taking an aromatherapy course because oils have become a passion of mine that I'd like to eventually (knowledgeably) share with other people. But I'm definitely not comfortable at this point holding seminars for people! I'd be embarrassed! And I love public speaking!
I'm mad at DōTerra and YL for sending people out there to misinform the masses. I'm mad at them for their made up "certified" quality standards. I'm mad at them for their competitive and snarky banter! So what if some disgruntled employees left YL and opened DōTerra using their previous company as a template for success, tweaking things as they see fit.
The one company that I believe in that hasn't been mentioned is Mountain Rose Herbs.  In the research I've done I've found them to be a reputable, well trusted company that is not an MLM and stays out of the drama, instead focusing on selling quality products. They seem to be well trusted by actual licensed aromatherapists instead of just housewives looking for some extra spending money or free oils. At this point in time though, I'm perfectly happy with the products from Barefūt as well as their price point and selection so I don't see a need to purchase from Mountain Rose Herbs yet. 

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