
Thursday, November 7, 2013

Clean yard, Happy heart

I spent most of my day today cleaning up my front and back yard. It was looking kind of wild in October, but the look worked as it looked a little haunted for Halloween, but this morning it just looked shaggy. So I weed whacked the front and raked together 4 trashcans worth of fallen leaves, Bougainville and grass clippings. I poured those into a far corner of my back yard in hopes of having some rich mulch come next spring. I picked up over five hundred feijoas. Those are from a tree indigenous to New Zealand, it bares green fruits that look like avocados but smell like pineapple and have the texture of a guava. I'll be making some jam, chocolate feijoa cake, feijoa bread and using the rest in smoothies.

After picking up all the fruit, I manicured my back yard as well, leaving me with a huge, satisfied smile on my face and a happy feeling in my heart because I love spending time in my yard but sometimes the weight of the chores get to me.

I was curious, now that the nights are cold and the days are dry and hot, when is the best time to water the yard. I researched it for a little while and found that the early morning is best so that you give your plants the water they need to endure the hot day, but they're able to "go to bed" at night with "dry feet" and dry leaves. This eliminates the risk of fungal infections and frost damage.  So tomorrow morning I'll be numbing my toes in the cold dew on the grass in order to give my yard a well deserved drink before I scurry off to a doctor's appointment. I'm already excited to come home to a quenched yard and a welcomed humidity in the air.

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