

Pursuit of Happiness

An enjoyable roller coaster ride!

My number one goal in life these days is to make more time for what I love by doing less of what I don't love.  For example, two years ago I joined an Outrigger Canoe club.  Even though I was working an exhausting, thankless, sedentary job, I made it work.  I got my ass to the beach three times every week and learned a sport that changed my life.  If you've perused my blog before you know I love the ocean.  Getting myself there is sometimes a challenge because a chastise myself like Cinderella by not allowing myself to do anything I love unless I get all of my chores done.  Paddling was different because their were five other girls in the boat that were counting on me to keep my commitment.  I pride myself on always keeping my commitment to others, now I'm working on keeping commitments to myself, too.  March at the beach can be a little cold, both the water and the air.  In order to get warmed up before paddling I started arriving an hour or so before practice and going for a run.  The beach area is filled with great routes that keep me interested, unlike my neighborhood that is cluttered, and smog laden.  Within a matter of weeks I was running five miles before my hour long paddle.  I felt great!  I had a great tan, my endorphins were at an all time high and my body was looking better and feeling better.  That summer was the most comfortable summer I've ever experienced.  Just the sensation of wearing shorts and skirts without my thighs rubbing together was enough to make me keep up that lifestyle.

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